Connection to the one you love.
Even when you can't be there.

Get answers to your questions via secure communication with the clinicians caring for your loved one.

Create an account
Quick access to the information you need
Added and updated by your care team or facility
  • Avoid missing important phone calls with 24/7 access to the latest visit information.
  • Messages & sensitive information stay protected and secure.
  • Gain peace of mind that your loved one is getting the personal care they deserve.

Easily keep everyone informed.

Shop for your favorite meals or drinks and enjoy while doing it
  • Easy access to the information you need all in one place.
  • Quickly share the latest information & keep everyone up to date.

Provide an extra layer of care by being part of the care team.

Choose from flexible payment and delivery plans that suit your needs
  • Work together to manage tasks related to daily care or household needs.
  • Coordinate on information sharing with Care Memo's role-based permissions.
*Features vary by clinical program. Some of the features described on this page may not be available to you at the request of the care provider.